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Available Resources

The 4 Keys: Results Framework

Achieve Durable Joy & Peace that Matches Your Success & Sustains It

This all-inclusive program includes 1:1 transformation work designed and proven to help leaders transform important issues and blockers into their greatest success story to date. Achieve your unique goals in as little as 13 hours invested over 10 weeks; results and progress as early as week 2.

Creative Freedom in Leadership

Learn and Implement the Principles of Mental and Energetic Boundaries, Decisions, & Agreements to create Personal & Professional Freedom and Alignment through this 4-month premium mentorship experience.

Creative Freedom in Leadership is a supported and personalized 1:1 opportunity to bring greater alignment to your relationships, ventures, and agreements so you can experience more creative freedom. This offering is limited to invitation only and the 4 Keys program work is a pre-requisite.

Foundations Session

This is an 80 minute video call available to those who are ready to address a pattern, or achieve a significant milestone goal in their life. In this meeting, Mandy can provide pinpointed guidance and with you, create a customized roadmap for you based on your goals.

The Enjoyment Gap book

We've all felt the pain of "having it all but not feeling happy." But did you know this illogical experience is guided by logic and can be easily resolved?

The Enjoyment Gap book explains how with an integrated problem model of realization and a 4-Key Strategy for resolution.

"Purchase" to receive a signed copy dedicated to whomever you wish (shipping included).

The Enjoyment Gap Companion

This guide is here to complement the experience of reading and applying The Enjoyment Gap book.

Pick and choose which of the 7 resources you want to use within - very lightweight and simple.

Yours for free to accompany the book.

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Structures of Peace is an email newsletter I've been writing since 2017. Expect an irregular cadence of fresh information for our subscribers relating to conscious leadership, vibrant health, and business applications of these topics which you won't find elsewhere. Let's connect!

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